Wolf Notes Holding Open Call for Submissions to Next Issue of Publication


Wolf Notes is hosting its first open call for submissions. Submissions that are accepted will appear in the ninth issue of the publication. Wolf Notes, which is co-edited by Sarah Hughes and Patrick Farmer, has featured numerous composers, performers, and writers associated with experimental music. Past contributors include Michael Pisaro, Manfred Werder, and Olivia Block. You can see a full list of past contributors here.

The information for the open call is as follows:

For our first Open Call, we invite submissions from musicians, composers, writers, artists, critics, curators, and listeners (mechanics, children, lawyers, cleaners, baristas, area managers, precarious workers, the unemployed, the over-employed…).

The writing can be in the form of an essay,  interview, or rumination.

Submissions guidelines:

• Submissions can be up to 5000-words

• Please include a short abstract at the beginning

• Submissions should be written in English or with an English translation

• Please submit as a Word document (email us if this is tricky)

• All submissions should be sent by email to compostandheight@gmail.com 

Deadline for submissions: 14 February 2019

You can find more information here. One can view previously published works on the Wolf Notes site here.