Pan y Rosas Discos Releases C. Reider & Jeph Jerman's 'Pop Variations'


Netlabel Pan y Rosas Discos has released a new collaborative album from C. Reider and Jeph Jerman. The album consists of a single 30 minute track comprised of edited vinyl pops and crackles. C. Reider wrote the following about the album:

in 2015, my friend jeph jerman sent me a very lovely lathe-cut record. one side has a twelve minute track of the pops and crackles that are typical of vinyl records. all of the sounds in pop variations were derived from that recording, using various techniques, like running the pops & clicks through a de-clicking algorithm, or slowing down the recording to the point where you can hear the needle bouncing at each pop.

You can download the full release from the label's website here.